With the aim of encouraging disciplined and environment friendly Ganeshutsav Festival, the Navi Mumbai Police continued its tradition of honoring Ganpati Mandals who set such examples. Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik graced the award ceremony this time, held at Vashi. The Navi Mumbai Police had organized a function to give away the Vignaharta and Sukhkharta awards at Vishnudas Bhave Auditorium. The function began with the lamp lighting ceremony at the hands of the Chief Guest, which included Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik, Police Commissioner Gulabrao Pol, MP Dr. Sanjeev Naik, CIDCO Chairman Nakul Patil, CIDCO MD G S Gil,, Mayor Anjani Bhoir and MLC Manda Mhatre. The Navi Mumbai police honor mandals on how environment friendly they are, peaceful conductance, security measures and pollution free attractive presentations. The Navi Mumbai Police Force is one of the authorities that play a very significant role in encouraging a disciplined and peaceful Ganesh Chaturthi each year. One integral step in this course is to give away the ‘Vignaharta’ and ‘Sukhakarta’ awards to the best organized and held Ganpati Mandals. MLC Manda Mhatre says that this initiative has helped build the bond between police and citizens.The highlight of the event was the felicitation of Panvel’s Senior Police Inspector Suresh Bhosale who was awarded at the hands of the President of India Pratibha Patil on Independence Day. The selection for the best Ganpati Mandals were done by two inspection groups deputed by the Navi Mumbai Police. Leaving the day of Ganpati Visarjan, the best Ganpati Mandals for the other days were given a Vignaharta Cup, Police Commissioner Cup and Gaurav Puraskar Cup. On the other hand including the Ganpati Visarjan day, the Sukhakarta Cup, Police Commissioner Cup and Gaurav Puraskar Cup are given to the Ganpati Mandals that showed discipline and well organizing ability. Also present on the occasion were all the four DCPs along with several corporators and special invitees.
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